This is a series, please read part one and part two.

The night was cold.

The howling wind was the only sound that could be heard for miles. Unfriendly as always, the barren tundra was covered in greenish slimy moss and high Antarctic hair grass. For once, however, the unforgiving environment of the south Atlantic was to the advantage of the SAS troopers.

The blizzards and treacherous glaciers of South Georgia were still fresh in the minds of the eight-man patrol, when they stealthily made their way from the drop-off point towards their target. It was the night of 11/12 May.

The men of boat troop D Squadron had been dropped off by a Sea King helicopter at Keppel Island, a small patch of land just south of Pebble Island. Their objective: carry out a reconnaissance of the Argentinian airfield at Pebble, and report back to the awaiting raiding force.

The all-revealing daylight restricted their movements to only the noiseless hour of dark. Thus, it wasn’t until the following night, 13 May, that they laboriously began their advance to Pebble. But before getting there, they first had to cross the hazardous Keppel Sound.

The men unpacked and assembled their Klepper canoes. Carefully, they made their way into the freezing water. The Sound, full of spiky rocks and violent currents, was traversed without any incident.

The years of training were paying off.