Read Part One Here

The ponderous Wessex 5 helicopter cranked and strained under the load of the heavily laden commandos.

Even in ideal flying conditions, the danger would have been considerable with all that weight. And these conditions were far from ideal: a force 10 storm with 100 mile gusts, was raging outside.

Nevertheless, Royal Navy Lieutenant Mike Tidd, managed to lift the mechanical beast off the glacier, and headed north towards the safety of HMS Tidespring. The very same conditions that made the flight so dangerous were the reason for it taking place.

The highly experienced mountain troop of SAS D Squadron had spent the previous fifteen hours travailing under the vicious weather. When one by one its members started to suffer from hypothermia and exposure, the decision had been made for an immediate evacuation.

Within minutes of take-off, the Wessex was engulfed in a tempest of snow. Complete white-out conditions.

Tidd lost sight of the ground and the horizon. The altimeter spun uncontrollably. The upcoming crash seemed inevitable.

The violent impact rocked the men and threw their gear all over the place. The helicopter itself was a pile of smoking metals and twisted cords. Miraculously, neither the two crewmembers nor their six SAS passengers were hurt.