The New Year’s Eve Massacre

Natural gas stopped flowing through Ukraine at midnight on December 31, 2024.

Contracts between Ukraine and the Russian Federation were allowed to lapse without renewal. The result was increased gas and electricity costs for Greater Europe, financial loss for Ukraine and Russia, and a financial windfall for the USA. The media touted this as a brilliant move by plucky Ukraine against the Russian Federation.

Truth is always far more complicated than the mainstream media would have us believe. The truth is that Europe, Ukraine, and Russia were hurt to varying degrees by this shutdown. The truth is, the shutdown happened because one of the players – Ukraine – “got too cute.” Ukraine played a game of brinksmanship with the contract renewal. It was trying to get gas for free. When it finally realized Russia was not going to blink, it was too late to roll over the contract.

This article will explain the basics of Russian gas transit through Ukraine to Europe. It is an arcane subject, and we will try to simplify it to bare bones. Only by understanding the basics can one critically evaluate the headlines.


The Gas Contract – Ship or Pay

Natural gas is shipped in two forms. Pipeline gas (the subject of this discussion) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

The most important terms of the contract are price and term. Pipeline gas sold by Russia to Europe via Ukraine is sold on a long-term, fixed-price basis. That means Russia will sell quantities of pipeline gas at a fixed price per unit volume for ten, twenty, thirty, fifty, or however many years. In Europe, gas (say from Norway) is typically priced “spot” or on a variable price basis. The price goes up and down every day, many times a day. You buy it “at the market.” If there’s a gas shortage when you come to buy, you pay through the nose. That’s when you think a nice long-term fixed-price contract with Russia would be great. Crucially, LNG cargoes, shipped on LNG carrier vessels, are also sold on a variable price basis. You pay the seller whatever the going rate is for an LNG cargo when you ink the deal.

Crucial to this discussion, the pipeline gas contracts between Russia, Ukraine, and Europe were “ship or pay.” That means the contract said that if Russia committed to ship 100 units of gas in a certain period at a price of $X per unit, it had to ship 100 units. If Russia failed to ship 100 units of gas, it would have to pay its counterparty – Ukraine or Europe as the case may be – $X per unit not shipped. Any disputes are arbitrated by the European court in Sweden.