Deliberate Acts of Sabotage

A Swedish report states that four breaks in the Nordstream 1 and 2 gas pipelines were deliberate acts of sabotage. The investigators have ruled out an accidental cause by pointing to a preconstruction survey of the routes of the pipelines to assure that no unexploded ammunition from prior wars might have gone off. The seafloor the pipelines were laid on were also leveled to prevent angles of incline and descent that could place stress on their joints. “It very much looks like a deliberate act of sabotage,” according to the investigators.

The Nordstream lines were a joint venture between Russia’s state-owned conglomerate, Gasprom which held a 51% share and energy companies in England, The Netherlands, Germany, and Norway. It was built to carry approximately 55 billion meters of natural gas from Russia to Germany for distribution throughout Europe. Nordstream 2 would have doubled that transit volume.

The reasoning behind building the Nordstream pipelines was simple.  Russia had overland pipelines running through Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, and the Baltic nations. Each demanded transit fees for the gas moving through their countries and each was also able to assert leverage over Russia by being able to halt the flow of gas in furtherance of their own foreign policy goals in dealing with Russia.

Vladimir Putin sought more than to eliminate the transit fees to make his gas cheaper, he also understood that one or all of these countries acting in concert could control Russian foreign policy by threatening to cut off the supply of gas to Europe. A submerged pipeline running from the Russian port of Narva Bay in the Baltic Sea to Greifswald in northern Germany. When it was completed in 2011, it was the longest undersea pipeline in the world at 760 miles. Putin and Russia would no longer be subject to energy blackmail from Poland or Ukraine, it could now do the blackmailing itself.

With Nordstream freeing Putin of any concern that Ukraine could shut off the supply of natural gas to Europe he invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea the next year in 2012.

While the United States took no concrete steps to prevent the construction of Nordstream 1, it now appeared to understand the danger it posed to security in Europe. Initially, neither the Obama nor Trump administrations were willing to impose harsh sanctions on Russia’s gas and oil because Europe was so dependent on it.  Germany had foolishly decided to phase out its zero-emissions nuclear power plants, shutting down 9 of its 15 reactors in 2011 alone, due to pressure from environmental groups after the Fukashima reactor was damaged by a massive earthquake and tsunami.   By 2021, just 3 nuclear plants remained in service. Congress took a much harder line and imposed its own sanctions on Russian companies and individuals in the energy sector.

Gazprom and its European partners announced in June 2005, that Nordstream 2 would be built to double the amount of gas moving to Europe. This in effect would make the other pipelines running through central Eastern Europe and the Baltics dead-end lines that terminated in their own countries, while the bulk of Russian gas exports would now be routed around them and into Germany instead.

Contrary to claims that the Trump administration was soft on Russia, by 2019 the White House took a very hard line against Putin and Moscow. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell went so far as to send letters threatening sanctions to the German companies involved in making the second pipeline. Then President Trump signed into law a sanctions bill against any company that participated in its construction. At the time Russia and the EU both condemned this move as interference in European affairs. It seemed like every month Congress was proposing new laws that would sanction Russia and to a lesser extent Germany for completing Nordstream 2, which would give Russia a virtual lock on energy supplies in Europe for gas and oil.