Imagine you’re watching a boxing match.  One fighter lands an unexpected series of blows on the other and stuns him a bit. The weary boxer on the losing end of the exchange begins to wobble a little, weak in the knees, and there is a hint of a glaze in his eyes.

What would you expect the attacking boxer to do now that they have the upper hand? Back off and let their opponent regain their composure? I think not. At least not if they are any good and want to win.

No, the fighter with the advantage should see the weakness in his opponent and go in for the kill. Knock him out as fast as possible. End the fight.

This same strategy would work well for Ukraine.

Prigozhin’s Rebellion

In case you have not been watching the news or reading SOFREP today, the leader of the Wagner group and a former ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has turned on the Kremlin after accusing the Russian Ministry of Defense (MOD) of purposefully killing a number of his men in an airstrike. The Russian MOD vehemently denies this allegation.

To gauge Prigozhin’s level of dissatisfaction, he made the video below, calling out specific high-ranking Russian officials by name after several of his men were killed because he felt they were not getting enough ammunition from the Russian military.

Prigozhin Speaks

The 62-year-old Wagner leader posted a series of angry videos and audio recordings denouncing the actions of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who he said ordered missile strikes on Wagner positions in Ukraine. He decided to rally his remaining troops, some 25,000 strong, to March to Moscow, their intent not 100% clear.