Thanks to the guys who made it out this Sunday for the Ruck. I had a great time and appreciate it. Hopefully more and more begin showing up.

Here’s what I am going to do, today. Fitness for today, 2/6/2017 is focusing on your ability to tackle mid distance endurance and sustain a difficult effort. Mental resiliency training starts with tough efforts.


Head to the gym and do not leave until you’ve done 100 Pull-ups with good form/ 150 Dips / 100 Push-ups (20x after each dip round).

Then, Run 6 miles – the 1st, 3rd and 4th miles will be broken into 800m Strides – that means not a sprint but as hard as you can reasonably maintain.

6-mile run:

1st Mile – Stride 800m (.5 mile) then, rest of 1st mile – conversational pace, maintain your warmth and get comfortable.

2 -3: Regular pace, too fast to talk but slow enough to have your breath.

3rd mile – 800m Stride then, 800m Run.

4th mile – 800m Stride, then resume pace.

5 – 6 – same as mile 2 -3.

  • When it gets tough, and you want to quit –  begin playing with three-word mantras that describe how you feel and motivates you. Use the word, one at a time, at each left step.