On this site: there will be a daily workout intended for those preparing for selection. You can follow daily or use it as a filler for when you’re in between training plans. We prefer daily because the intention is for these workouts to progress in sophistication and intensity. But it will be sport specific most of the time with an emphasis on rucking and running. However, there will be cycles when we spend a month or more using the weight room more than the pavement (running).

SUNDAY – In Washington, D.C. will be SpecialOpeations.com / SOFREP inaugural weekly Ruck March. The first ruck march will begin at Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C. and the exact location will be posted Friday, here and SOFREP.com.

Next week – Monday (1/25/2017) we’ll begin a ruck and running centric program designed for those seeking to prepare their bodies for the rigors of selection.

Leading up to this week, today through Friday will be simple running workouts.

Here’s today’s SOF Selection PT Workout:

Run 5 miles as fast as possible and record the time.

Then, do 100 Push-ups, 200 Crunches, and 50 Pull-ups.