Tensions simmer between Russia and the West over nuclear weapons, with both sides accused of dangerous brinkmanship.

In a stark reminder of the Cold War era, Russia’s top arms control diplomat, Sergei Ryabkov, recently boasted of advancements in their nuclear deterrence capabilities, designed to ensure their security “for decades to come” even as artificial intelligence (AI) throws a new and unpredictable wrinkle onto the battlefield.

However, Ryabkov’s message wasn’t solely one of strength.

The Russian diplomat warned of “tragic and fatal consequences” if the West underestimates Russia’s resolve to defend its interests.

The West must understand,” Ryabkov might as well have said, emphasizing that “Russia has the resources and the will to convey its message in the realm of nuclear deterrence.

This veiled threat, coupled with recent drills involving tactical nuclear weapons near the Ukrainian border, has security experts on edge.

The specter of nuclear conflict looms large, fueled by a communication breakdown.

Ryabkov blames the West for setting “unacceptable conditions” for dialogue on strategic stability, a vital channel for managing nuclear arsenals and preventing misunderstandings.