On Friday night, the United States, France and the UK launched a unified offensive against Syrian targets alleged to be a part of the nation’s chemical weapons infrastructure. Russia, who has been providing direct military support to Bashar al Assad’s Syrian regime, claimed in the days preceding the attack that they would defend Syrian assets and intercept inbound ballistic missiles, and although they ultimately did neither, they have offered their support in the form of Russia’s chief foreign policy export: propaganda.

Although the United States and allies have released satellite images of their targets before and after the offensive clearly showing their destruction, Russia has nonetheless released official statements claiming that Syrian anti-air defenses had successfully “countered” the attack, even going so far as to claim that Syrian defense platforms dating back to the Soviet era had actually intercepted the vast majority of inbound missiles.

The Syrian air defence [sic] systems, which are primarily the USSR-made AD systems, have successfully countered the air and naval strikes,” The Russian Ministry of Defense wrote in a statement on Saturday.

“In total, 71 cruise missiles have been intercepted. The S-125, S-200, Buk, Kvadrat, and Osa Syrian AD systems were involved in repelling the attack.”

Russia claimed a total of 103 missiles were fired from the combined aircraft and naval assets in the region, only slightly fewer than the legitimate figure, which was 105. The American Defense Department also issues a statement regarding the outcome of the offensive over the weekend, and their assessment was rather different than Russia’s. More importantly, America’s claims have been independently verified by commercial satellite imagery companies, as well as photographs taken on the ground.

All weapons hit their targets close to the designated time on target,” Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie, the Joint Staff director, told the press on Saturday.

“We are still conducting a more detailed damage assessment, but initial indications are that we accomplished our military objectives without material interference. I would use three words to describe the operation: Precise, overwhelming and effective,” he said.

Smoke rises from the damage of the Syrian Scientific Research Center which was attacked by U.S., British and French military strikes to punish President Bashar al Assad for suspected chemical attack against civilians, in Barzeh, near Damascus, Syria, Saturday, April 14, 2018.  (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Regarding whether or not any missiles had been intercepted, McKenzie echoed statements made previously by other senior defense officials.