London, UK—The famous director Sir Peter Jackson will be releasing his latest film next month. This time, however, don’t expect hobbits and dragons. The acclaimed New Zealander has explored other battlefields: the unknown faces of World War One.

The movie is called “They Shall Not Grow Old.” It will be released in November to commemorate the centenary of the armistice that ended the Great War. It was contracted as part of the 14-18 NOW programme.

What’s unique about the movie is its protagonists. Jackson did not cast any actor for his movie, nor explore any landscapes. Instead, he utilized original photo and movie footage from WWI. He and his team received permission from the Imperial War Museum and the BBC to scavenge through their film archives for relevant footage.

“We all know what First World War footage looks like. It’s sped up, it’s fast, like Charlie Chaplin, grainy, jumpy, scratchy, and it immediately blocks you from actually connecting with the events on screen,” said the famous director.

Everything was in black-and-white. But with the aid of cutting-edge technology (the film footage was quite fragile), Jackson managed to rework them in high-definition colour.

“The results are absolutely unbelievable. This footage looks like it was shot in the last week or two, with high-definition cameras. It’s so sharp and clear now. The faces of the men just jump out at you. It’s the faces, it’s the people that come to life in this film,” added Jackson.

Jackson, however, couldn’t invent any voice for the footage since they were silent. He thus took a very logical step and contracted veterans for their voices. He believed that only they could understand the hardships and dangers of combat and thus relay to the audience the raw reality of the trenches.

“It’s the human beings that were actually there, that were thrust into this extraordinary situation that defined their lives,” added the New Zealand director.