*Updates coming, article contains gruesome photo below*

Update 1: Shots fired in Watertown 7PM EST, suspect thought to be in a boat.

Update 2: 7:25PM EST FBI HRT has a dog team on the scene as does a local police unit.  They are preparing to move on the boat the suspect is hiding in which is on a trailer in a resident’s backyard.

Update 3: 8:05PM EST, FBI HRT considering letting BPD take the suspect.  Also, footage of the firefight when law enforcement first cornered the suspect earlier in the evening.  Huge volume of fire here.

Update 4: 8:31PM EST, LE taking a careful approach as they want to apprehend the suspect alive.  Meanwhile, CBS is reporting that a foreign government asked the FBI to interview Tsarnaev (probably the older brother) which they did two years ago.

Update 5: 8:43PM EST, the suspect is now in custody.  It sounds like HRT made the arrest.

Update 6: Picture of the perp:
