We write a lot of stories here on SOFREP that cause some people to complain loudly when they suspect that we’re divulging some kind of ‘classified’ info. Seems like we scare the shit out of people just about every week.

Let’s take a look at a few of our posts on OPSEC just to clarify our position. We’ll call it, “OPSEC The SOFREP Way.”

The first is Jack Murphy’s Intelligence Support Activity, JSOC’s Most Secretive Unit, where he writes, “Today I want to draw your attention to a white paper titled Truth Conquers All Chains: The U.S. Army Intelligence Support Activity, 1981-1989 by Jeffrey T. Richelson. This unit is so secretive that I don’t comment on it regarding my personal experiences, but I will point you guys towards some open source information.”

Jack then posts A Critical Look at The Command by Marc Ambinder and D.B. Grady, stating, “At SOFREP we make a concerted effort to get the best and most accurate information about the Special Operations community to our readers. Careful considerations are given to Operational Security as we have no interest in compromising operations or endangering soldier’s lives, so balancing these two can be tricky at times… This critique is intended as professional rather than personal criticism, but it is needed criticism. Because of OPSEC, not every incorrect statement made in The Command can be corrected.”

Brandon follows that with Are Politicians Putting Warfighters Lives At Risk? OPSEC Says Yes. Check the video – it’s worth the time to watch it.

In Brandon’s post SOCOM Says Author of “No Easy Day” Cleared Hot, he looks at the publishing process behind No Easy Day, and concludes that “Our opinion is that the publisher at Penguin clearly had no concern for National Security or Operational Security (OPSEC) with regards to ST6/DEVGRU, or they would have not published this book. Should publishers have more accountability? We say yes.”

Dalton Fury weighs in on the issue of SOF-Warriors-Turned-Authors in A Former Delta Force Commander Speaks Out About Tier One Authors. Regarding the book No Easy Day, he writes: Just as Admiral McRaven is smart enough to know what to share and what to protect, Owen is equally careful in No Easy Day not to allow innocuous facts to be compiled to potentially compromise sensitive national security information. Instead, he captures the essence of what it is like to live your life as a protector of the freedoms all of us hold so dear.

Jack Murphy doesn’t mince words in his post SEAL Team Six Throws OPSEC to the Wind, Next Time Use Delta Force or Rangers, a post which really pissed off a lot of SEALs: “With leaks coming from both the White House and within SEAL Team Six, the perception in the public and within the military is that the Navy’s most elite unit is now becoming worthless for covert operations. Maybe it is time for Admiral McRaven to be told to lock down his boys until they can be brought under control. I know a number of SEALs who epitomize the quiet professional moniker and those who are talking are in the minority. A few months ago, I would have said that the publicity surrounding the OBL raid is not SEAL Team Six’s fault but this is no longer the case…The publishing of a blow by blow account of the raid so soon after the event itself, with soldiers still in theater, still conducting dangerous operations, is simply too much. This book is a tipping point and will result in blowback that will give the entire Special Operations community two black eyes.”