“Reservoir Dogs,” ever seen that movie? In an unforgettable and brutal scene, Michael Madsen who plays bad guy character, Mr. Blonde, dishes out torture on a cop who’s held hostage and tied to a chair.

Before his sadistic butchery commences, Mr. Blonde kicks off the assault with psychological warfare. Feel-good music creates an eerie vibe and sets the stage, hinting at the violence soon to come. The vocals of, Stealers Wheel, gently ring out in their classic 1970’s rock song “Stuck In The Middle With You.” Now playing in full swing, the melody haunts the background.

“Clowns to left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.”

With a straight razor in his hand, Mr. Blonde dances to the beat, shuffling and spinning in front of the bloody police officer. The cop moans in a chilling plead for mercy, bound and gagged with duct tape. Thoroughly enjoying the moment, Mr. Blonde continues to dance and deliberately taunts his victim by holding out the razor.

The evil dance stops while the music plays on… Then Madsen’s sociopathic character moves in and unleashes an attack. Mr. Blonde clutches the cop’s face and introduces the razor to his prey’s flesh. Going to work, Mr. Blonde cuts while barking an order at the struggling officer.

“Hold still. Hold still, you fuck,” he commands serenely while slicing off the lawman’s right ear.

The next torture method Mr. Blonde employs on screen is even rawer. You squirm watching the policeman being doused in gasoline, remembering what petrol feels like inside an open cut on your hand, much less poured over the wound of a freshly sawed off ear.

A favorite movie in our unit, I knew Reservoir Dogs well. The torture scene is arguably the most-memorable clip. However, after one fateful day, the song “Stuck In The Middle With You” was forever branded into my amygdala.