The Hannibal Procedure is one of those elephants in the room that no one wants to talk about. The procedure itself stems from several incidents in which Israeli soldiers were abducted, and any attempts to have them released or even gain information about their whereabouts resulted in expensive deals and a shattered image of the Jewish state in the Middle East.

Gaza, summer 2014.

Sayeret Givati’s Major Benaya Sarel was leading a tactical effort to expose and secure a tunnel. Not just another tunnel, but the last known tunnel in the AO. He knew that they had just a few hours left before they would have to withdraw back to Israel. As in any SF unit, time is a core value, and so are mission objectives. You do not stop or slow down until you complete your goals. Sayeret Givati was pushing toward their designated location in the early morning. According to their intel, the tunnel was in their vicinity and the shaft seemed to be located within a concrete tower.

Several teams of Sayeret Givati were pulling security, allowing the unit commander and his “Chapak,” a command and control (C2) party of six soldiers, to move closer to the designated target to collect visual information and to evaluate his COA of the situation. Benaya, the unit commander of Sayeret Givati, spotted a guard inside the tower on the second floor. A short discussion with the Givati brigade commander and other relevant elements confirmed that there were no friendlies in the AO; that was probably a Hamas scout guarding that shaft.

Direction of approch & Tunnel shaft ID
Arrows represent two friendly elements. The red arrow represents the tunnel shaft (inside a building).

Benaya’s decision was to split the party into two groups of three soldiers and to silently take over the tower—one group would move directly while the other flanked. In the IDF, we’d call this “plucking” the guard. The goal is to take down the scout as quietly as possible so the unit can continue the mission undetected. Benaya knew that they had to get in and out of there quickly, as the IDF had already begun moving some of its assets out.

Little did he know that this tunnel traveled below their feet, and inside, five Hamas operatives were getting ready to deliberately ambush the unit commander and his guys. They had only one objective in mind: to kidnap an Israeli.

”Hannibal, Hannibal, I can’t find Hadar.”

Benaya and his group were approximately 50 to 70 meters from the tower while the second half of the team moved parallel to their position, through the greenhouse, as a backup. A sudden yell sounded, followed by an enormous explosion. Orders and yells, suppressed by Hamas firepower, filled the air. Benaya, Hadar, and their comms guy (an Israeli light version of the 18E), Eliel, had triggered an IED. Despite its detonation and their severe injuries, they were the only ones able to manage the firefight and return fire. But not for long.

The net was full of chatter and the team leaders (teams 10, 20, and 30) tried desperately to communicate to their ‘KodKod’ (leader), but there was no answer. No picture of the situation. No one on the receiving end. At this point, the commander of Sayeret Givati and his men were believed to be overrun by Hamas operatives. The same operatives knew exactly what they needed—an Israeli soldier. This was a known tactic Hamas had tried to employ several times since the Gillad Shalit incident.