Gangster Government Strikes Again—Criminal VA Execs’ Demotions Overturned:

WASHINGTON — Federal judges have overturned decisions by the Department of Veterans Affairs to demote two senior officials accused of manipulating the agency’s hiring system for their own gain.

The VA demoted Kimberly Graves and Diana Rubens last month. The VA’s acting inspector general said the pair forced lower-ranking managers to accept job transfers and then stepped into the vacant positions themselves, keeping their senior-level pay while reducing their responsibilities.

Rubens earns $181,497 as director of the Philadelphia regional office for the Veterans Benefits Administration, while Graves receives $173,949 as head of the St. Paul, Minnesota, benefits office.

It’s been suggested to me, more than once, by several close friends, that I perhaps spend too much time on certain subjects. I suppose it’s a fair criticism. Especially in the culture we live in now, with lightning-speed information, and given the fact that we are evolving to have the attention spans of squirrels. I get it, believe me. Do you think I actually LIKE discussing this human excrement every week? I wish we could just talk about awesome stuff that our men and women in uniform are doing, and the cool equipment that they’re doing it with. I have no more desire to spend any more time on these hideous women than necessary.

But this is important. See, because public-relations people have also taken note of our distraction with any shiny object that happens to cross our path. And this is what they tell people who are caught up in scandal to do. Apologize. Keep your head down. This will all blow over, because the sheep out there are going to get caught up in the latest outrage of the day, and they’ll forget all about (insert various scandal/atrocity/dead hooker here).


I’m not going to do it. I’m not giving up on bringing this freaking abortion up, over and over again if I have to. Because this is a goddamn perversion of justice on so many levels. It isn’t just that these women are THIEVES. It isn’t just that they are stealing tax money. It’s that they are stealing resources that are meant to take care of our men and women in uniform who badly need it. It’s an atrocity, and the fact that it barely makes the news is a disgrace. Look at those salaries, and remember, on top of those VERY generous salaries, which don’t include pension and healthcare benefits, that these two criminals stole $400,000, and, AND, not only were they not fired, a corrupt, piece of SHIT judge reversed their demotions. Listen to this garbage: