A name like ‘bin Laden’ comes with a high level of nostalgia and legitimacy for a terrorist organization, which is just what al-Qaeda needs to boost recruitment and refresh their fighting force globally. This past week, Hamza bin Laden could be heard on an audio recording calling for al-Qaeda in Syria to liberate Palestine. The Jerusalem Post stated:

According to a new al-Qaeda video discovered by the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor of MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute) and shared with The Jerusalem Post, Hamza praised the stabbing attacks by Palestinians against Israelis and called on Muslims from around the world to join the fight to defend Jerusalem, urging them to “participate in the intifada” of their Palestinian brethren by “killing the Jews and attacking their interests everywhere.”

In addition, Hamza called for Muslims to attack the interests of US and Western countries in the Muslim world because of their support for Israel.

The supporters of the Jews “must pay the bill in their blood” and must feel what Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere have been feeling, he said.

According to the report, Hamza stressed the obligation of jihad upon every Muslim in order to defend al-Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount and Muslim women, who he claimed are being killed by Jews in cold blood.

He also suggested building a mega army based primarily in Syria to “liberate Palestine.”

“The best arenas that are prepared for such a great task [of building that army] is the blessed arena of Al-Sham [Syria],” he said.

“We must remember that the road to liberating Palestine today is much closer than the one that existed before the blessed Syrian revolution. Thus, the Muslim Ummah must focus its attention on the jihad in Syria.”