Welcome to the U.S.-Mexico border. Below is the first video from my month-long investigation into cartel activities in the region. Texas, at the Gulf of Mexico, was my starting point. From there, I followed the length of the border to San Diego, California, then back across to points of interest.

In this video, we can see signs of regular use of the Rio Grande River and other waterways as infiltration points into the U.S. from Mexico. I also inadvertently find myself in the neutral zone in between the U.S. and Mexican border control points. I also showcase how a human smuggler, narcotics trafficker, or foreign intelligence service infiltrator can easily exploit public and privately owned property to travel freely along the border.

The video reinforces many of my findings written in my articles listed below. As we continue to produce video and discover information related to current events, we hope to provide you with a better understanding of what is actually happening in this region.

Currently, the series includes the following:

Do you have a specific point of interest or issue related to the border that you would like to learn more about? Let us know, and I’ll present you with my findings. Much of the information I’ve uncovered has run contrary to popular opinion and public knowledge.

This region is an unsecured and lawless stretch of land exploited by criminals and human-rights violators. They have clear agendas and run effective disinformation and diversion campaigns. The facts only become clear once you remove yourself as a participant-victim, shock-media recipient, or outraged citizen. The facts are in the open, but are often shrouded by personal opinion, political charades, fear, and emotion.

There is an ever-growing list of wrongdoing occurring here, and the issues run deeper than simply pinning the blame on Mexico and Mexicans.