Special Tactics memorial unveiled at Hurlburt Field:

HURLBURT FIELD — As the chief of staff of the United States Air Force, Gen. David Goldfein’s time is in high demand in Washington, D.C.

On Thursday morning, however, the general had a special message for the 800 or so people who gathered at the base’s airpark for the dedication of the nation’s first memorial to Air Force Special Tactics personnel.

“Today, there’s no place in the world … I’d rather be than here with you,” Goldfein said. “I’ve never been prouder to be an airman than I am today, standing on this sacred ground.”


As a former fighter pilot, Goldfein has a special place in his heart for Special Tactics airmen. In 1999, a Special Tactics team rescued the then-lieutenant colonel after he was shot down by hostile forces over Serbia.

Goldfein paid tribute to the team who saved his life as well as to the Gold Star families whose loved ones died in the line of duty while serving in one of the four Special Tactics career fields: pararescuemen, special operations weather technicians, combat controllers and tactical control party members.

That is outstanding. Of course, no Special Tactics gathering would be complete without banging out a set of memorial push-ups. Even the general got down to knock ’em out. Not bad, Goldfein.