There’s no question that most Americans understand and appreciate the vast importance of the Constitution, but for all the rhetoric, debates, and discussions about the document, few Americans truly appreciate how America’s form of government, as laid out on paper by James Madison, came to be.

On July 4th, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. The document (which wouldn’t be signed by all parties for another month or so) stated plainly that the 13 American colonies would no longer recognize British rule. Unbeknownst to many today, however, was that it also stipulated that each of the 13 original colonies were henceforth to be recognized as independent and sovereign states. Without an existing national constitution, it would be another year before a formal establishment of government would be ratified.

This is where high school history class starts to get foggy. In the minds of many Americans, the Declaration of Independence was the birth of our nation, but it wouldn’t be until September 17th, 1787 that the U.S. would sign our constitution, as we know it, into law. This leaves an 11-year gap that tends to be glossed over on midterms, but is vital to fully understanding the reasoning behind America’s constitution.

Prior to the signing of the Constitution, the United States operated under a form of government laid out in the Articles of Confederation. These articles were adopted by the Continental Congress in 1777 and established formally that each state, formerly a colony, was now sovereign unto itself. Each of these sovereign states would send representatives to Congress for the purpose of resolving disputes. The fierce fight for independence from England’s monarchy had left many of the fledgling nation’s leaders reluctant to accept any significant centralized authority. Congress was given the power to make treaties or alliances, maintain the armed forces, and print money, but it did not possess the authority to levy taxes on citizens or initiate regulations that would affect the commerce between states.

Americans were concerned that a large republic could not be sustainable, as the legislators would lose touch with the very public they represented. As a result, the United States was, in effect, more like NATO than it was like the America we know today. Each state had the right to print their own currency, maintain their own military, and even charge tariffs on imports and exports between individual states within the union. Congress was more of an assembly of diplomats than a governing body; elected officials represented their state’s interests with little concern for the financial or social wellbeing of the other sovereign states within the union.

The Articles of Confederation, though very limited in their use of a centralized government power, did stipulate that each state would pay a tax based on the number of citizens that lived within it. This tax included both white and black inhabitants of each state in their population counts. The ensuing debates between the slave-owning states in the south and the northern states with significantly lower slave populations would serve as a precursor for the Civil War, though ultimately the southern delegates won in this instance. It was finally decided that the taxes each state paid to Congress would be based on the value of its lands rather than the number of people within it.

Although the economies of each state grew under the Articles of Confederation, national issues continued to arise. The nation’s fear of a centralized and tyrannical power left Congress extremely limited in their ability to manage many of these problems, such as the presence of fortified British posts in the “Old Northwest” territory of the American continent and trade limitations initiated by the British after the Revolutionary War. In both 1781 and 1786, Congress attempted to pass legislation allowing them to tax American citizens to fund international efforts, but because changes had to be agreed upon by all parties, both attempts were met with failure.

In 1787, delegates from each state met in Philadelphia for what would become known as the Constitutional Convention. These delegates, presided over by George Washington, discussed and debated about how best to address these impending national concerns for months. Finally, a new form of government began to take shape. In many ways, this convention served as the second American revolution, in which the form of government Americans lived under was thrown out in favor of a new form of republic, complete with an executive, judicial, and legislative branch.