Kurt: What’s your military background?

So 2 years in the Marines and 2 years in the Army. I’ve realized I’m young and impatient so everywhere I’m at I’m always convinced I should be doing something better. Got bored in the Marines as a radio guy, so I tried to go SF in the Army and that fell through because too many people going through the current massive pipeline JSOC is having trying to bolster SOF numbers. Ended up leaving 173rd airborne in Italy to go to Kurdistan.

YPG foreign volunteer unit “223”

Kurt: What made you decide to leave and fight ISIS?

What got me the idea to be a volunteer was the last deployment in the Army in Turkey. We were near the Syrian border training their “counter-terror” guys and doing base security at a couple compounds in the mountains. That slow realization that the Turks are helping ISIS, and what we were providing training for was COIN ops against the Kurds in southeast Turkey. The local towns were all demographically Kurdish, and the few times we went to the towns I always ended up meeting Kurds explaining what’s actually happening. I was just a poor infantryman who was told all combat deployments are finished. This was around the time the battle for Kobane was big in the news, and I basically spent every night in the mountains staring south over the border realizing I was in the wrong place to be a soldier. So when we got back to home station I did literally whatever I could to get out early without overtly trying to get kicked out. Ended up getting out in April 2015 and within 3 days of being stateside I was boarding a plane for Sulaymaniah. Through the internet, the “safest” route I could find was that group of guys in the Pesh (9th Brigade). I thought why not, then as you know it turned out to be a static shit show.

Mike utilizes a “murder hole” to provide overwatch

Kurt: Having served with both YPG and Peshmerga, what was that like and how do they differ?

The Pesh was like a pathetic attempt to become a conventional army, but as you know I didn’t do shit with the Pesh. So It’s a little difficult to give a true comparison of the combat environments. The YPG is a self-proclaimed “guerilla” organization, that realistically are a simple militia due to the nature of operations in Rojava. The Pesh is “Oh, I look cooler than you do therefore I am a higher-class warrior,” and it almost seems as if the YPG are “Oh, I’ve been shot or blown up more times than you, I’ve lost more fighters under my command because I truly am in the shit more than you.” Though I whole-heartedly admire their warrior spirit, they do still reside in the Middle East. So the sort of professionalism that you and I are used to essentially doesn’t exist. When it comes to the effectiveness of both branches, given equal capabilities, I think the YPG holds the award 5 to 1.

Kurt: It seems like the YPG embodies the warrior ethos while the Pesh just want to say they do.

From what I’ve seen, yeah. Obviously the individual and the entire group differ, the YPG’s core values and default mentality on what actually needs to be done is what trumps the Pesh.