President Elect Donald Trump, set to take office in three weeks, spoke with new United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for the first time on Wednesday.

According to a U.N. spokesman, the two world leaders had a “very positive discussion on U.S./U.N. relations,” despite the incoming President’s recent Twitter comments about the validity of the global organization.

“The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!” The President Elect posted to Twitter on December 26th.

Antonio Guterres, the former Prime Minister of Portugal, has also served as the U.N. Refugee Chief, but began his five-year term as U.N. Secretary-General this past Sunday.  Farhan Haq, a spokesman for the U.N. told reporters on Wednesday that Guterres is looking “forward to engaging with the president after his inauguration.”

Donald Trump’s most recent distaste for the United Nations sprang from last week’s resolution calling for an end to Israel’s settlement building in areas contested by Palestine; a resolution the Obama administration chose not to veto, prompting many to accuse the sitting president of being anti-Israel.

The incoming President was vocal in his disapproval of the move, and said that “things will be different” within the United Nations once he takes office.  His conversation with the new U.N. head seemed to have gone well, however, as Guterres took to a different social media platform, Snapchat, to discuss his conversation with Donald Trump.

“President(-elect) Trump also said the U.N. has an enormous potential. That’s exactly what I feel. My job is to make sure that potential becomes a reality.”

Concerns about the Trump administration pulling funding for the U.N. has prompted feelings reminiscent of those shared by NATO leaders in the days following the presidential election.  As international bodies that both rely heavily on U.S. financing and military participation, President Elect Trump has a significant amount of leverage to use when pushing for policy reform.