An internal email by Admiral (SEAL) McRaven, sent August 24, 2012, and later published openly, reads:

As the Commander of the United States Special Operations Command, I am becoming increasingly concerned about how former members of the Special Operations community are using their “celebrity” status to advance their personal or professional agendas.

While as retired or former service members they are well within their rights to advocate for certain causes or write books about their adventures, it is disappointing when these actions either attempt to represent the broader SOF community or expose sensitive information that could threaten the lives of their fellow warriors.

[SOFREP note: “…actions either attempt to represent the broader SOF community…” likely refers to the Special Operations Group “OPSEC”, and the latter points to No Easy Day.]

It should also be noted that the current Commander of US SOCOM, Admiral McRaven, is a published author. “SPEC OPS” – Case studies in Special Operations Warfare, Theory and Practice.

Few senior SOF officers have benefited more from reading about the exploits of our legendary heroes than I. My thesis at the Naval Postgraduate School was based on a rigorous examination of the available literature, without which I could never have written my book on “The Theory of Special Operations.”

Most of these books were wonderful accounts of courage, leadership, tough decision-making, and martial skill, all of which benefited me as I tried to understand our past and how it could affect missions in the future.

Movies that portray the heroics of service members are also well worth watching and often provide the public insights into life in Special Operations or the service that can’t be garnered anywhere else.