In response to rising tensions playing out between North Korea and the United States, and a direct threat against the island of Guam earlier this week from dictator Kim Jong-un, Guam’s governor and Homeland Security Department are taking practical steps to keep the public informed and calm.

Speaking in a video press release, Governor Eddie Calvo said “I want to reassure the people of Guam that currently there is no threat to our island or the Marianas,” and “My Homeland Security Advisor who is in communications with Homeland Security and Department of Defense notes that there is no change in threat level resulting from North Korea events.”

Guam’s Homeland Security released a fact sheet advising citizens on how to respond in the event of a nuclear attack. “Do not look at the flash or fireball – It can blind you,” and “Lie flat on the ground and cover your head. If the explosion is some distance away, it could take 30 seconds or more for the blast wave to hit.”

The fact sheet also contains practical advice on how to shelter in place and shield you and your family from radioactive fallout.

Earlier this week, the North Korean state-run news agency reported that military officials in the communist country are drafting plans to attack Guam with ballistic missiles sometime by the end of August, and will present the plans to their Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.

In response, President Trump has doubled down on his original threat of bringing “fire and fury” to North Korea, saying on Friday that U.S. military is “locked and loaded” should “North Korea act unwisely.”