“El peixos grossos sempre es menjaran els minuts.”  If your Catalan is as bad as mine, it means “Men are like fish; the great ones devour the small.”

A proverb that describes how a lot—but not all—of Catalans feel about their place in Spain.

On October 1st, the Catalan government held an illegal independence referendum. According to organizers, 90% of Catalans wish to walk it alone.  But they failed to mention the turnout, just 43%, and the many irregularities.

With Spain’s 19% of GDP and 16% of the population coming from Catalonia, Madrid’s anxiety is understandable.

Its reaction, however, is not.

“We’re going to prevent independence from occurring. . . I can tell you with absolute frankness that it will not happen,” said Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish Prime Minister.

And he appears to be a man of honour. To prevent the vote, thousands of police and paramilitary officers trooped from all around Spain. TV screens screamed as old men were dragged down stairs, ballot boxes (Democracy’s posterchild) confiscated, and polling stations closed.  Once the dust settled, close to 1000 people had been injured.

Spain, who escaped the pangs of dictatorship just forty-two years ago, can’t afford to respond in such a repressive way that even Franco would envy.  Indeed, such a brute reaction seasons the secessionist’s Botifarra (a delicious Catalan pork sausage you must try).  Joking aside, violence only empowers separationist movements, as history has shown.