There is a lot of skepticism and finger-pointing aimed at the VA these days, some legitimate concerns and others just incessant complaining. Regardless of your thoughts on the VA, the GI Bill is a great program that allows you to get a free education, and gets you paid in the process—and coming from someone who has utilized the GI Bill in the most expensive place to live in America as well as an average city, the pay is plenty to get by (though I’m not sure if that applies if you have kids). Coming out of college with little to no debt puts you ahead of countless young Americans who might spend 5-10 years just cleaning the slate before they can actually start pursuing their dreams.

I loved my college experience, and took advantage of it as well as I could. Here are some tips for those considering the same route:


Realize that college might not be the right option for you.

I’m a huge proponent of college, but it’s not for everyone. Ideally, you figure that out before hitting the books and suffering through lectures, but it might not occur to you for a while and that’s fine. Community college is a great way to get a practical education that can directly transfer to making some money through a specific trade, but maybe even that won’t quite do it for you. Everyone is different, and the pursuit of self-knowledge is a life-long effort. People just have to try things out, adapt and overcome.

I wouldn’t have known whether or not the military was “for me,” and I would have never known unless I left my comfort zone and tried it out.

With that said, if you start reading my stuff you’ll quickly learn how much I love formal education and wish that more people took advantage of it.