
Watch: Team Multicam | Kyle Defoor

I had the privilege of training with Kyle Defoor about a year ago in his 2 day pistol course. The skills and tactics that he teaches are second to none. With his vast knowledge of tactics, firearms and combatives you’ll go away having learned something that you can put to use within your own skillset and gear selection. When it comes to tactics and gear selection, Kyle is one of the first resources I turn to due to his operational background.

From Team Multicam:

The next installment of the Team MultiCam Video Series highlights Naval Special Operations veteran Kyle Defoor. Words like dedication, discipline, precision and drive personify Kyle. He honored our country post 9/11 as a sniper on SEAL Team 8. Since retiring, Kyle created Defoor Proformance Shooting where he teaches various shooting techniques to military, law enforcement and civilians. He is truly thankful for what the Navy gave him.


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I had the privilege of training with Kyle Defoor about a year ago in his 2 day pistol course. The skills and tactics that he teaches are second to none. With his vast knowledge of tactics, firearms and combatives you’ll go away having learned something that you can put to use within your own skillset and gear selection. When it comes to tactics and gear selection, Kyle is one of the first resources I turn to due to his operational background.

From Team Multicam:

The next installment of the Team MultiCam Video Series highlights Naval Special Operations veteran Kyle Defoor. Words like dedication, discipline, precision and drive personify Kyle. He honored our country post 9/11 as a sniper on SEAL Team 8. Since retiring, Kyle created Defoor Proformance Shooting where he teaches various shooting techniques to military, law enforcement and civilians. He is truly thankful for what the Navy gave him.


*Photo courtesy of Defoor Proformance

This article is courtesy of The Loadout Room.
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The SOFREP News Team is a collective of professional military journalists. Brandon Tyler Webb is the SOFREP News Team's Editor-in-Chief. Guy D. McCardle is the SOFREP News Team's Managing Editor. Brandon and Guy both manage the SOFREP News Team.


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