Warfare has always been shaped by technology. From bows and arrows to swords and shields to drones and artificial intelligence (AI), how battles are fought reflects the tools soldiers have at their disposal.

But what happens when you mix cutting-edge AI with inexpensive, off-the-shelf tech? The result is a new era of modern combat, where speed, adaptability, and ingenuity reign supreme.

We’re seeing this play out in real-time with the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division, which recently demonstrated how simple tech solutions are being used to outsmart the enemy and gain an edge on the battlefield.

Here’s our take on how low-cost technology and AI are rewriting the rules of warfare.

The Power of Low-Cost Technology

What’s the price of a circuit board? For the soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division, about $30. And that’s all it took to create a decoy that mimicked the electronic signature of a command post.

Simple, affordable, and—most importantly—effective.

During a recent training exercise at the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) in Louisiana, soldiers used these low-cost boards to throw off enemy forces by making them think they were attacking a high-value target.

The trick worked—enemy artillery spent half its firepower attacking dirt where the decoys were placed.