Military marriages are often characterized by resilience and strength in the face of unique challenges, including frequent deployments and relocations.

While infidelity can occur in any marriage, the unique stressors of military life can sometimes create more vulnerabilities, and unfortunately, that means that infidelity in military marriages is more common than we might think. However, it’s essential to acknowledge the vast majority of military marriages remain strong and committed, demonstrating remarkable resilience and devotion.

Understanding the specific challenges faced by military families can help us better support and appreciate the sacrifices they make for our country. Let’s explore this matter further.

The Statistics of Infidelity in a Military Marriage

Let’s look at the numbers: a 2015 study pointed out that around 70% of wives of deployed servicemen believe that their husbands had been unfaithful while on duty.

Another study published in 2017 revealed that the pervasiveness of sexual affairs within military marriages is 22.6%. The study involved 63 married servicemen, and here’s another staggering statistic: 75% of them who had their souls crushed and hearts trampled on by unfaithful wives had been divorced within the next nine months.

It’s human nature to constantly long for a spouse’s touch and companionship, and being deprived of it could likely result in unfavorable consequences when worse comes to worst. But why is that? More importantly, does that mean that military marriage is a disaster waiting to happen?

Everyone has their theories on why people cheat on their spouses, particularly those in the aforementioned arrangement. But rather than coming up with baseless hypotheses, let’s see what science has to say.