The Chinese Air Force made it clear that they don’t appreciate a US Navy EP-3 spy plane flying in the East China Sea.

A pair of armed Chinese fighter jets flew dangerously close to a U.S. Navy reconnaissance plane flying in the East China Sea on Sunday afternoon, with the hazardous Chinese behavior nearly causing a “collision,” two U.S. officials told Fox News.

One of the Chinese J-10 jets flew under the American EP-3 jet and maneuvered suddenly, popping up 300 feet in front of the U.S. plane and causing “the [US] EP-3 to take evasive action to avoid collision,” one official said.

Both Chinese fighter jets were armed with air-to-air missiles, according to the officials. The incident occurred roughly 90 miles south of the Chinese port city of Qingdao in the East China Sea. – Fox News

Featured image By U.S. Navy [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
