The US conducted a joint exercise Monday with the Republic of Korea (ROK) flying a number of B-1 Lancer bombers near the demilitarized zone that separates South Korea from North Korea. A spokesperson for the ROK military confirmed the exercise but did not disclosure the number of B-1 aircraft that participated.

North Korea lambasted the U.S. on Tuesday over the staging of what it called a “nuclear bomb-dropping drill” by flying a two B1-B strategic bombers close to its border with the South a day earlier.

In a report by the state-run Korean Central News Agency, the North claimed the B-1B bombers, which are currently deployed to Guam, flew over South Korea and approached an area 80 km east of Gangneung, an eastern city near the Military Demarcation Line that serves as the border between the two Koreas. – The Japan Times

Many feel the show of power was in response to North Korea launching another missile. The US Pacific Command would not confirm or deny the joint exercise took place.

Watch a Display of B-1 Lancers

Featured image by US Air Force
