Following Sunday’s Ethiopian Airlines crash of a Boeing 737 Max 8 and October’s Lion Air crash in the same aircraft, President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that his administration was issuing an order to ground all Boeing 737 Max 8 and 9 aircraft in the United States.

“We’re going to be issuing an emergency order of prohibition to ground all flights of the 737 Max 8 and the 737 Max 9 and planes associated with that line,” the President announced prior to the order going into effect. He went on to cite “new information and physical evidence that we’ve received” as the basis for his decision.

Canada also announced that they too would be joining the growing list of nations barring the Boeing aircraft from flying in their airspace.

“This safety notice is effective immediately, and will remain in place until further notice,” Canadian Transport Minister Marc Garneau announced on Wednesday.

Boeing responded to the announcements promptly on Twitter:


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