FighterSweep Fans, when you take a look at the 173rd Fighter Wing’s new flagship, it’s impossible to not be inspired. As we’ve shown in other images online, it is the most epic paint scheme we’ve ever seen on an Eagle, and that sentiment has been echoed by others all over the world. The Oregon Air National Guard is celebrating its 75th Anniversary this year, and we’re excited to be a part of it.

For today’s rendition of the ever-popular Burner Friday, we wanted to share with you another image or two of this fantastic aircraft. We have much more about the airplane itself and the OR ANG’s 75th coming up, but this is a perfect way to charge into the weekend, wouldn’t you say?

Once the paint had cured and the weekend’s Promotion and Change of Command ceremonies had concluded, the 173rd Maintenance Group’s Superintendent, Senior Master Sergeant Ryan Rainville, wanted the jet flown to make sure all would be in working order for our photo-shoot. It had been down for a few weeks as the paint scheme was applied, so there was apprehension about whether or not it would be ready to fly.

On 5 April, Tuesday, the aircraft was put on a “Red Air” line for the afternoon go. “Cue” stepped to the jet and got it started without any incident; both the launch and takeoff were pretty much textbook and no problems were encountered during the sortie.

Burner Friday: OR ANG 75th Anniversary F-15C
“Cue” enters the overhead pattern at Kingsley Field following 041’s initial flight after being repainted. (Photo by Scott Wolff)

The best part was the fact he returned to Kingsley with extra gas, which meant perfect opportunity to get some images.

To say he wrecked the pattern would be an understatement: he destroyed it, and everyone outside on the line just stood and stared as this gorgeous aircraft raged through the overhead a few times against a brilliant blue sky. After the last pass, the aircraft settled in and touched down, and Cue taxied back and shut down. Then came a collective sigh of relief…Code 1.

Much, much more to follow on this aircraft and the Oregon Air National Guard, FighterSweep Fans! Be sure to stay tuned!

(Featured Photo by Scott Wolff)