Editor’s Note: Canada’s Defense Ministry announced that Canada will send about 100 Royal Canadian Air Force personnel and four CF-188 Hornet fighter jets to train with the Romanian military. As we all know, NATO has been stepping up its presence in eastern Europe, as a response the Russia’s resurgence and activities in Ukraine

Canada will send about 100 Air Force personnel and four [CF-188] Hornet fighter jets to train with the Romanian military, Canada’s Defense Ministry announced in a press release.

“This exercise continues to build on the strong relationship between Canada and Romania, an important NATO ally, strengthening our mutual confidence in using common NATO procedures,” the release quoted Canadian Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan as saying on Thursday.

The announcement made no mention of Russia. However, NATO has been increasing its military presence in Europe since 2014, especially in eastern European nations bordering Russia, reflecting jitters among alliance members over Moscow’s alleged involvement in Ukraine.

Canada: 4 CF-188 Hornets and 100 Personnel To Deploy
A Royal Canadian Air Force CF-188 Hornet takes off for a training mission. (Photo courtesy of Sputnik)

Russia has repeatedly refuted any allegations of interfering in Ukraine’s internal affairs, and moreover has warned the United States and NATO their amassing of troops and weapons on Russian borders is provocative and may disturb regional and global stability.

Earlier this week, NATO announced the creation of a 40,000-strong rapid-response force, which it claims is needed to defend European state’s borders with Russia.

The original article can be viewed on Sputnik News here.

(Featured photo by Jonathan Derden)