Editor’s Note: More good news in the battle against Daesh, FighterSweep Fans. It’s nice to see other forces, in this case the Egyptian Air Force–Al-Qūwāt al-Gawwīyä al-Miṣrīyä, stepping up and doing their part to reduce the ranks of an organization which consistently demonstrates such wanton blood-lust. Daesh espouses to bring the western world to its knees under a black flag, and any effort to wipe them out and put a stop to their advance is something worth taking note of and celebrating.

The Egyptian Air Force carried out a anti-terrorist operation in the North Sinai province, and killed 20 militants from the Islamic State (Daesh) group, local media reported, citing a source in the military leadership.

The operation took place south of the Bedouin town of Sheikh Zuweid on the Israeli border, scores of terrorists have been injured, Sky News Arabia television channel reported Monday.

Last week, the terrorists attacked the security forces checkpoint on the outskirts of Arish, the provincial capital of North Sinai, killing at least 20 policemen.

Egyptian Air Force Block 40 F-16Cs flying over the pyramids at Giza. (Photo courtesy of F-16.net)
Egyptian Air Force Block 40 F-16Cs flying over the pyramids at Giza. (Photo courtesy of F-16.net)

Egypt is fighting a jihadist insurgency in northern Sinai since the army, led by President Abdel Fattah Sisi, overthrew the then Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013.

Formerly known as Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, Wilayat Sinai changed the name and pledged its allegiance to Daesh, outlawed in a number of countries, including Russia, in November 2014.

The original article in its entirety can be viewed at Sputnik News right here.

(Featured photo courtesy of Wikipedia)