Happy Thursday, FighterSweep Fans! Tonight we bring you yet another stunning visual to tantalize your senses and stoke the flames of your imagination.

A couple weeks back, we shared the latest Hornet Ball with you. No disputing it is the finest offering put out by our West Coast Strike Fighter bretheren to date. But in our constant search for all things awesome and mesmerizing in the world of tactical aviation, we’ve found something that absolutely took our breath away.

Every year, the Swiss Air Force puts on a live-fire event known as “Axalp,” and it is a pretty large live-fire demonstration and airshow conducted at the Axalp-Ebenfluh Air Force Firing Range above Brienz, located in the Bernese Oberland region of Switzerland.

Photo courtesy of Fraser.ch
Photo courtesy of Fraser.ch

As far as backdrops go, it is arguably the most spectacular place in the world for a tactical air demonstration. That’s right, dear friends: leave it up to the Swiss to set the bar and show the rest of us how it’s done.

Like every year, Axalp 2015 featured F/A-18C Hornets, F-5E Tigers, Pilatus PC-21 trainers, and Super Puma helicopters. In addition to aerial demonstrations by the Patrouille Suisse demonstration team and a single-ship Hornet demo, there were live-fire gun runs by other Hornets and the F-5s to wow the attendees with the display of precision gunnery on the face of the Alps.

So without further ado, please check out the video and enjoy the absolutely spectacular visuals that can only be found in this one magical place in Europe. You won’t regret these thirteen minutes–we promise!

(Featured photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)