The Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) F-15 Eagle has been recently referred to as “The Muscle Car of Tactical Aviation.” We couldn’t agree more. So if you, like us, enjoy a love affair with one of the most magnificent fighters ever to take to the sky, you’re bound to enjoy this video.
Few aircraft have the service record the F-15 does, or the versatility. From the C-model with it’s air-to-air combat record of 104 victories to zero losses, to the mighty Strike Eagle being called upon to shoulder the majority of the burden in Operation Inherent Resolve. It is a magnificent aircraft, either as a Light Gray or a Dark Gray.
We ran across this video today, a compilation of some great footage featuring both variants of the jet. You’ll see everything from the 67 FS conducting BFM and ACM over the Pacific Ocean, to the Strike Eagles at RAF Lakenheath running the Mach Loop in Wales.
You’ll also see the Louisiana Air National Guard’s 159 FW conducting live missile shoots over the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the now-defunct F-15E Strike Eagle Demonstration team putting the Mud Hen through her paces.
All in all, it’s five minutes of your day (or night) that will be well spent.