Fightersweep Fans, unfortunately we bring you more tragic news from the world of aviation. At approximately 1100 local time this morning, five people were killed in a mid-air collision between a Cessna 172 and a twin-engined Sabreliner.

According to FAA officials, both aircraft were attempting to land at Brown Field in Otay Mesa, which sits very near to the border of Mexico on the east side of the San Diego area. Brown is a very busy general aviation airport, with private, corporate, and government entities housing their aircraft and operations there.

According to Division Chief Nick Schuler of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, wreckage from the two aircraft sparked a brush fire; but, thanks for quick response by multiple agencies, the fire was quickly extinguished and burned roughly two acres. First responders were picking through the wreckage of both aircraft in the off chance there were more occupants, but did not expect to find any.

The wreckage of a Cessna 172 involved in a mid-air collision with a North American Sabreliner. Five people died in the incident.
The wreckage of a Cessna 172 involved in a mid-air collision with a North American Sabreliner. Five people died in the incident. (Photo courtesy of the San Diego Union Tribune)

The cause of the collision is under investigation by both the FAA and NTSB. We’ll have more information on this incident as it becomes available.

(Featured photo courtesy of NBC San Diego)