Delivery drones may be filling the skies sooner than you thought! President Trump just issued an executive order to speed up the process for approval of unmanned drone delivery systems.

The program will help tackle the most significant challenges in integrating drones into the national airspace while reducing risks to public safety and security.

In less than a decade, the potential economic benefit of integrated unmanned aerial systems into the nation’s airspace is estimated to equal up to $82 billion and create up to 100,000 jobs.

“This program supports the President’s commitment to foster technological innovation that will be a catalyst for ideas that have the potential to change our day-to-day lives,” said Secretary Chao. “Drones are proving to be especially valuable in emergency situations, including assessing damage from natural disasters such as the recent hurricanes and the wildfires in California.”

The pilot program will evaluate a variety of operational concepts, including night operations, flights over people, flights beyond the pilot’s line of sight, package delivery, detect-and-avoid technologies, counter-UAS security operations, and the reliability and security of data links between pilot and aircraft. – US Department of Transportation

Featured image via Pixabay public domain
