So how many of you took in “America’s New Year Celebration” yesterday? The Rose Parade was a family tradition when I was a kid, and it was always exciting to see the ways the float makers would try to outdo their efforts from previous years.

As an adult, I find myself more curious to see who will be conducting the flyover to kick the parade off. As has been the case many times before, the opening act of the Rose Parade was none other than the Northrop-Grumman B-2A Spirit–the “Stealth Bomber.” It’s an aircraft which, no matter how many times you see her, she still takes your breath away.

I remember a few years back when the aircraft was accompanied by a pair of Lockheed-Martin F-22A Raptors, and how awe-inspiring it was the see the pinnacle of the United States Air Force’s low-observable capability in the same formation. Totally badass. And while this year the Spirit was single-ship, the perspective offered was no less spectacular.

Rose Parade
A Northrop-Grumman B-2A Spirit bomber like this one opened yesterday’s “Tournament of Roses” in Pasadena, California. (Photo by Scott Wolff)

In the event you missed the footage of the flyover, you can view it above. It’s a view of the B-2 not many people every get to see, and it’s amazing. You can see Jack Northrop’s hand in every frame, and it’s a fantastic testament to his genius and the legacy of the company he created.

Enjoy your weekend, FighterSweep Fans!!