Happy Wednesday, FighterSweep Fans! We’re halfway through the week and have some great stuff in store for you over the next few days, but we wanted to put this one up as a great conversation starter.
Throughout history, there has been much debate over which airframes can lay a claim to the title “one of the greatest fighters of all time.” Our brethren over at We Are The Mighty put this list together and while there were few surprises, there were a couple entries that got an eyebrow raise.
We would love to know what you, our FighterSweep Faithful, think about this list. What are your favorite fighters throughout history? P-51 Mustang? F-15 Eagle? The mighty Viper? Any surprises in here for you? Anything missing? Many of us have logged time in some of these aircraft, so we’re not going to weigh in–at least initially, but we’re definitely looking forward to the ensuing discussion!

What do you think? Are both these aircraft on the list of World's Greatest Fighter Aircraft?
What do you think? Are both of these monsters on the list of World’s Greatest Fighter Aircraft? (Photo by Jonathan Derden)

So without further ado, here is a look at what some would consider to be the 18 Greatest Fighters of All Time!