Two pilots were killed in a crash involving the Siemens-powered Magnus eFusion electric aircraft on Thursday morning in Hungary, local police reported. The aircraft was reportedly flown after a party to celebrate the new company headquarters. Neither pilot has been identified, but one, a 61-year-old, was believed to be part of Magnus Aircraft.

Witnesses reported seeing the aircraft maneuvering at low altitude before catching fire and crashing in a near vertical dive. The impact in a corn field approximately a mile from the Pecs-Pogany Airport (LHPP) caused a fire.

“The electric aircraft took off at 10:00 a.m. (0800 GMT), went on two laps [around the pattern] and then crashed for unknown reasons,” county police spokesman Dejan Popovics told the Hungarian news agency MTI. – AVweb

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Siemens-Powered eFusion Electric Airplane