Yes, they have ‘boneyards’ for cars too. Not your usual ‘aviation’ story but a pretty amazing sight at that! Would you not agree? Is one of your old VW’s down there?

Volkswagen has taken parking lots to a whole new level in the United States. It will not be emptying them soon. A recent court filing shows that Volkswagen AG has paid more than $7.4 billion to buy back about 350,000 U.S. diesel vehicles through mid-February.

The German automaker has been storing hundreds of thousands of vehicles around the United States for months. The filing from the program’s independent administrator said that Volkswagen has 37 secure storage facilities around the United States housing nearly 300,000 vehicles.

The lots include a shuttered suburban Detroit football stadium, a former Minnesota paper mill and a sun-bleached desert graveyard near Victorville, California. – Wochit News

Featured image by video screen capture

Aerial Drone Footage of Volkswagen’s "Diesel Buyback Program' Boneyard