Woodbridge Airfield to the north east of London offers optimum test conditions: Pilatus spent two weeks there in June 2018 testing the PC-24’s landing and take-off capabilities on the airfield’s unmade runway for the first time.

From the outset, the PC-24 was designed for “off road” operations. Its outstanding performance on short unmade runways opens up an incredible degree of flexibility and new opportunities.

The PC-24 provides access to almost twice as many airports worldwide compared to other jets currently available on the market. The outstanding flexibility of the PC-24 opens the door on an enviable spectrum of possibilities – whether as a business jet, ambulance aircraft or for other special missions.

All this makes it a Super Versatile Jet, an aircraft designed to fulfil a wide variety of individual mission profiles. – Pilatus Aircraft

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Land on an Unpaved Runway? The Pilatus PC-24