Hollywood pilot Fred North got his start as a camera helicopter pilot for desert rally races, and soon found that his experience managing his aircraft in difficult and often dangerous environments left him with a real knack for making helicopters do the sort of things we love seeing in movies.

So he made the logical leap to film, where he soon found himself flying in movies directed by action legends like Michael Bay. All told, North has amassed more than 15,000 hours of flight time for television and movies alone, often posting incredible pictures and videos from set on his Instagram account (that’s well worth a follow).

One such video was recently shared by The Helicopter Page on Facebook — and it does not disappoint.

In the video, a convoy of vehicles it’s safe to assume were all involved in shooting some sort of film are joined by North, who swoops down in a Bell UH-1 like he’s cutting a kid in line at a roller coaster.

Check it out below: