If we were to look at what defeats most people in life we would see that it’s their inability to manage their own moods. Feeling like doing what needs to get done next can be next to impossible for most of us. For this reason I use music for everything that I do. Writing, running, even on surveillance I have music going. The obvious disadvantage to this habit is that I can’t hear what the hell is going on around me. In search of a way to be happy and safe I found these little bad boys.


Taking from the world of Special Operations – which you know I love – they repurposed these headphones so that they will fit into your ear canal without blocking it. So yes… finally when you’re running down the road you can now hear all of the girls (or guys) wolf whistling at you.

There’s more than meets the eye here. They have embedded technology that will transfer the signals so that you can talk on a phone or hear a whisper when they’re on and in your ear. Tactically speaking this is important. Our ears, like our eyes, can provide location indicators based on which side of your pumpkin the sounds are coming in from.

Another tactical advantage is that the wires are clear making them fairly undetectable. I like this, but it’s important to know that there are other devices that will completely sink into your ear canal if you require complete discretion. I’ve used these and in another post I will have to share an experience I had with a schizophrenic conspiracy theorist. Short version is that he was worried about all of the government operatives floating around the mall. I didn’t have the heart to pull the covert earbud out of my ear and confirm his suspicions.   

They are being marketed as an alternative to traditional sports headphones because of their rugged ability to withstand the rigors of a sweaty ear canal. I’ve actually retired no less than 5 pairs of headphones by way of ear sweat. I’ll have to see if these guys make underwear. Another sweating problem for another post.

What is  most encouraging is their simple, light form factor. If you’ve ever ran around, working or for sport, with headphones in than you know they constantly bounce out.

Shoot, Move, Communicate and enjoy some music

Most people aren’t aware of this, but there are many ways to make things “Bluetooth” enabled. It’s an excellent way to combine multiple “Kit” items to produce some major capabilities.  earHero offers what they call a “Bluetooth Clip”.  What this means is that you can communicate with your surveillance team,  and listen to some relaxing Reggae music all at the same time.

So if your like many of us in constant struggle to manage your mood while simultaneously avoiding getting ran over by a train these might be something worth checking out.

Check them out: earHero

I clipped this info straight from their site.

Studies show that listening to music can soothe our senses, uplift our moods and effectively relieve stress by reducing the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body. In addition, listening to music can also boost our immune system. In fact, according to a review published in Trends in Cognitive Sciences, listening to music significantly increase the level of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that plays an important role in the immune system, and natural killer cell count.