Last year we got to take a look at the LumaShark from Hardened Arms.  That rail system included two built-in flashlights which rode nicely integrated to the hand guard.  Hardened Arms is at it again with finding new ways to improve the AR15 for law enforcement and personal defense use.  Unlike so many other name brands who merely pay to have their logo on someone else’s work Hardened Arms does nearly everything in house.

Hardened Arms has two different muzzle solutions.  The Crucible and Linear Muzzle Compensator (LMC).  They each have a specific role and use.

As seen in the video above I don’t have rounds through these yet.  Just a first-look exposure.  I’d like to hear from you as to you bets on how these will perform.  It’s been my experience that Hardened Arms products are very well made.

For more information on the Crucible see the product page here.

The Linear Muzzle Compensator can be found here.