Many times we find that getting to the shooting range can be a hassle, may it be the weather, finances, range limitations, etc.  There is a way you can stay on top of your game when you aren’t able to get out and shoot, and only cost you a few dollars.

Something that I make time to do every day is “dry fire.” I set aside 15-30 minutes a day to practice a few “realistic” drills no matter if I hit the range our not.

Keeping the targets inside of the door keep them out-of-the-way until you need it.

Here is a picture of one of my doors in my house that I set up for precision and speed drills.


I start with a warm-up 10 feet away only engaging “dry” the head target from the draw while on the clock for 20 repetitions, progressively working back to 25 feet and incorporating movements, turns, and reloads.   The small targets are primarily for precision.  I want to draw, acquire the target/sight, and squeeze in under 1.9 seconds.  Anything under 2 seconds is a good goal to shoot for, but 1.5 is where you want to be.  I say 1.5 because the average time it takes an attacker to cover 20 feet is 1.57 seconds.