Here is the first thing to remember, HUMAN BEINGS DO NOT STAY IN ONE SPOT FOR VERY LONG. Judging distance on a range is easy. The target doesn’t get up and move. If you’re a law enforcement officer or active military you know that your targets are always moving.

I learned a long time ago that the traditional thinking of leaving your scope for a range finder or other equipment, and then coming back to the scope would cause people to get lost. When you get lost in your scope you have to reacquire your target. This causes you to loose precious time that could save you or your teammates lives.


Let’s break this down. USING ONLY THE NAKED EYE, here is what “targets” look like at distance. This simple technique will help you gauge the distance.’


You can see a face. With the naked eye, you can visually make out what the persons face looks like.


The face is no longer identifiable. However you are able to see other indicators such as hands. Space between the legs. The firearm the target is holding.


The hands disappear. You can no longer identify the hands clearly. Body parts begin to blend together. You can still make out a human form, i.e. head, arms, legs and light between the legs.

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Photo courtesy of Gunfighter U