Introduction: By Cameron Curtis

Breed is on vacation in Arles, France, when he sees a group of men open fire on a car. In the gun battle that ensues, a young girl escapes from the vehicle and runs for her life. Breed pulls her to safety. Her name is Julia, and she was abducted by the gang in the car. They forcibly addicted her to heroin and used her as a sex slave.

The slavers want to recapture Julia, and it soon becomes clear that the anonymous men who fired on the car want her dead. Breed is determined to keep Julia alive, but to do that, he’ll need to figure out who is after her and why.

On the run, outnumbered and outgunned, he calls for help from his friends: CIA Deputy Director Anya Stein, Delta Force veteran Ken Takigawa, and cowgirl sharpshooter Heth Crockett.

From Arles to Seville in Spain, Breed fights to keep Julia alive. The chase leads to a deadly showdown on the blood-soaked sand of La Maestranza, Seville’s great bullring.

Excerpt from Chapter 18

Hours pass. I change positions regularly, but my position is uncomfortable. I’m having a tougher time of it than Julia, because she’s sitting straight on the sofa. I’m twisted around sideways to look out the window, and my neck is getting stiff.

“Breed, this is silly.”

“Be quiet.”