(In memory of Ms. Gloria Jean Smart)

Life in the Psych Ward

I remained hospitalized for 16 days, most of which was in the psych ward, held by the State of Nevada as a suicide risk.

In the mornings, we awoke to the blood pressure cuff, for vital signs were foremost in the program. We marched to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We played percussion instruments for about one hour and had group therapy before lunch. We met with social workers in the PM and a doctor once a week.

In the evenings, we colored and painted in the art room. Later, we had a jello snack as we watched TV in the break room. Our names were called, and we reported for our nightly medication before retiring.

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“Mr. Hand… why are you here?”

“Well, Dr. Singh, I was just having trouble with my eyes, you see.”

“Your eyes, Mr. Hand… what sort of eye trouble were you experiencing?”